Design Awards Event Sponsorship

Presenting Sponsorship

Full Table: $2,500 (8 Spots Available)
8 tickets (a $1,800 value).

Half Table: $1,500 (4 Spots Available)
4 tickets (a $900 value).

Peoples’ Choice Award:  $3,000 (1 Spot Available)
8 tickets (a $1,800 value).

Celebratory Toast Sponsor:  $3,500 (1 Spot Available)
8 tickets (a $1,800 value).

Event Sponsor:  $750
2 tickets (a $450 value).

All Premium Opportunities Include:

  • Personalized Podium Call-Out & Logo Exposure at the Event
  • All Sponsorships Include:
• Prominent Logo Placement on SCDF Event Media
• Acknowledgement at the Event & Feature in the Event Program
• Firm Highlight & Active Link on SCDF Website for Duration of the Month

437 S. Cataract Ave 
Suite 4B 
San Dimas, CA 91773



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