Great Minds Make Great Places.
MissionSCDF brings together a community of leaders, across all development sectors, to network and learn about the latest trends, strategies, and projects within our cities. We invest in the future of our communities through annual philanthropic giving. Our platform allows us to:
HistoryThe Southern California Development Forum (SCDF) was founded in 1982 by William Feathers of Feathers Consulting to provide the real estate community with an opportunity to informally network with representatives from every discipline within the public and private community, to share up-to-date industry information, and to foster employment opportunities. Originally entitled the Valley Development Breakfast Club, it changed to Valley Development Forum, then ultimately to the Southern California Development Forum to meet the needs of a broader base of industry members. SCDF continues to advance its original values. Monthly breakfast program speakers are industry leaders who bring in-depth and topical information to keep our members current. Our networking sessions continue to encourage referrals and teaming arrangements to this day. | For more information contact us at:Email: 437 S. Cataract Ave |